Airport Master Planning Summit 2020
12 November 2013 - 14 November 2013
Manila, Phillippines

Our Speakers

  • Florian KiesslingFlorian Kiessling
    Head of Programme Management
    Dubai Airports
  • Oliver WeissOliver Weiss
    Chief Operating Officer
    Pulkovo Airport
  • Anna MilaneseAnna Milanese
    General Manager
    Cuneo Airport
  • Sven DeckersSven Deckers
    Strategy Executive
    Dubai Airports
  • Manish SinhaManish Sinha
    Chief Operating Officer
    GMR Hyderabad International Airport
  • Gautsil MadaniGautsil Madani
    Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategic Development
    PT Angkasa Pura II
  • Nagy Abu ZeidNagy Abu Zeid
    Vice President Strategic Planning
    Oman Airport Management Company
  • Olaf C. BünckOlaf C. Bünck
    Senior Consultant - Strategic International Airport Development
  • Daniel BircherDaniel Bircher
    Chief Executive Officer
    Zurich International Airport Asia
  • Nanditha BhattNanditha Bhatt
    Airports Authority of India
  • Jamshid MolavipanahJamshid Molavipanah
    Chief of Airports Master Plannng
    Iranian Airport & Air Navigation Company
  • Kashif KhalidKashif Khalid
    Regional Director
View All Speakers

Creating a future ready airport Catered to Future Capacity through the Airport Master Planning Summit 2019 in Singapore!

The Airport Masterplan which takes into consideration airport capacity management, aims to better connect the Airport as part of an integrated and sustainable transport network with associated complementary aviation, business, and commercial land uses to help provide economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits. As the Airport grows, it brings with it demand for improved and expanded facilities. Since the aviation industry is booming, airports around the globe are competing for a share in this highly-profitable industry. The demand for larger, passenger-friendly airports with shorter queues is steadily increasing. It is essential to have an airport master plan to ensure you are properly equipped to handle the future. An Airport Master Plan addresses the development needs for 20 years. Because air transportation is a vital community industry, it is important that the requirements for new or improved airports be anticipated. It is also essential to reserve adequate resources to meet identified needs. Airport master planning is a critical tool in determining needs and programming development at individual airports.

Equip Global’s Airport Master Planning Summit 2020 will happen on 14-17 January 2020 in Singapore and will provide insights into key issues and trending topics within airport master planning PLUS! it will offer an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about recent projects and innovations in airport design and development.

What makes a Airport Master Planning Summit 2020 a must attend event:

  • Equip Global’s Airport Master Planning Summit aims to help airports understand the future requirements along with understanding your own needs to develop a vision for your growth further.
  • Improve Airport Capacity Planning and Management 
  • Gaining Insights into Topical and Modern Airport Planning
  • Understand the principles of demand forecasting and the air traffic forecasting process, incorporating new standards in your master plan
  • Gain insights Into Implementing Master Planning for Brownfield Airport Developments
  • Incorporating ideas on how to develop a master plan that integrates the strategic objectives of your business.
  • Harnessing strategies to plan the capacity needs in order to underpin the continued success of your Airport as a leading global air hub
  • Learn latest advancement on New Trends in Future Airports Development Planning, Master Planning and Expansion, Public-Private Partnerships, New Terminal Expansion Issues, Smart Airport and Digital Technology Innovation, Commercialization and Retail Management.

Who you will meet at the Airport Master Planning Summit 2020?

This event is tailor-made for top decision makers, Heads/Senior Managers/Managers/Senior Executives from across airport operators and authorities of the following departments:

  • Master Planning
  • Planning
  • Strategic Planning
  • Development
  • Construction
  • Strategy
  • Transformation
  • Airport Systems
  • Upgrade Projects/Programs
  • Operations (Landside/Airside)
  • Engineering & Maintenance


Like more information?

A detailed conference agenda is still under development. If you wish to hear about a specific topic or from a specific speaker, please provide your feedback to:


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Airport Master Planning Summit 2020
14 January 2020 - 17 January 2020
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