Your Expert Trainer

He has spent more than 34 years participating in many airports projects, assisting the design, installation, operations, improvement & maintenance of 400Hz electrical supply for aircraft includ..
World's Leading Fixed Ground Power & Pre-Conditioned Air Systems Training Returns!
The increasing upheaval of aviation industry’s environmental impact awareness is entailing international and national growingly emphasised agenda on reducing greenhouse gas emission, noise as well as improving fuel consumption efficiency and fuel conservation. Although national aviation’s emission limit is currently not including international aviation, the rapid popularisation of air travel in recent decades led to many countries and their respective airports stepping up effort in reducing CO2 emission and noise.
Because aircrafts' greenhouse emissions may account for as much as 75-80% total airport's emissions, the implementation of Fixed Electrical Ground Power (FEGP) and Pre-Conditioned Air (PCA) Systems is becoming increasingly phenomenal throughout the world as it offers significant environmental, economic and emissions reduction benefits. Not only does the extensive utilisation of Aircrafts' APUs and mobile GPUs result in the enormous CO2 emisison, the combined APU operational fuel consumption and maintenance often lead to burden of costs imparted on the airlines. Airports and airlines are minimising the use of aircrafts’ built-in APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) whose efficiency rates average just 8-14% and is subject to gaseous emissions and noise, which contribute significantly to the local air quality and site audial impacts during aircrafts’ ground time. Many airports including Zurich, Barcelona and Hongkong Intl Airports have even prohibited APUs usage by enforcing the use of FEGPs where available.
Although GPU and PCA systems are relatively common, attention is increasingly being paid to the Installation, operation of the fixed electrically powered GPU (FEGPs) which consume less power and emit no emissions as opposed to their fossil-fueled counterparts (except for emissions from off-site energy generators). There are however many improvements in both strategies and techniques required and needed by Airport Operators when it comes to the design, upgrade, engineering, installation & maintenance of FEGP and PCA systems.
Understanding the challenges facing Airport Operators – both those that have not been implementing, or those who have been operating and maintaining the use of FEGP & PCA Systems, Fixed Ground Power & Pre-Conditioned Air Systems 5-day course has been designed to provide you with a complete guide to understanding the benefits and key considerations in implementing fixed ground power units and pre-conditioned air systems, as well as critical procedures in operations and maintenance of the said systems.
Key issues to be addressed at this Training Course Include:
- Enhancing operational performances of Ground Power and PCA systems
- Substantially reducing emissions and improve fuel consumption efficiency and fuel conservation from conventional ground power or electric mobile power units
- Optimise long-run operational costs through improved procurement criteria and strategies
- Achieving optimal usage of FEGPs on aircraft turnarounds
- Mitigate potential environmental and noise concerns in airports’ long-term future operation
- Save energy demands from associated with moving mobile ground support equipment and eliminate the needs for recharging infrastructure
- Ensuring effectiveness in implementing, operating and maintaining fixed energy assets
This professional training course is designed for:
Directors, Heads, Managers, Electrical Engineers, Inspectors, Surveyors and Specialists of:
· Airports’ technical services
· Operation/Airport operators
· Facilities Management
· Electrical engineering departments / Mechanical Engineering
· Power Supply Maintenance
· Energy management
· Ground-handling services / Ramp service
· System Engineering / Control System Engineering
· BHS/HVAC services
· Safety & Risk
From (but not limited to) the following:
· Airport Operators
· Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs)
· Administration of Airports
· Ground-handling Agencies
· Airfield Maintenance
- Airport Engineering Contractors/Vendors
Pre-event questionnaire!
To ensure that you gain maximum benefit from this event, a detailed questionnaire will be sent to you to establish exactly what your workshop needs are. The completed forms will be analysed by the workshop facilitator. As a result, we ensure the workshop is delivered at an appropriate level and that relevant issues will be addressed. The comprehensive workshop material will enable you to digest the subject matter in your own time.