FLNG Topside Equipment Layout & Selection 2016
12 November 2013 - 14 November 2013
Manila, Phillippines

Leading FLNG Topside Equipment Layout & Selection Training Course Returns!

Equip Global's FLNG Topside Equipment Layout & Selection Training Workshop will cover the critical principles and concepts used in FLNG Topsides Equipment Layout, Piping, Instrument, Power systems and structural design and discussing the successive stages in an integrated fashion.

This workshop will progress through each of the major design processes, starting with the basics of FLNG process scheme and options, plant layout design, equipment sizing and layout, pumps and exchanger layouts, maintenance requirements, process and utility piping and ending with topsides equipment layout design Best Practices and Power system design with control system.

Wherever required, this workshop will focus not only on the design aspects, but also the practical aspects inline with best practices in the industry, using examples to illustrate the points of design, and show the maintenance, operational and safety aspects required in designing and building a Process Plant facility.

Key Benefits of Attending

After participating in this course, you will be able to:
  • Be able to lead an FLNG topsides EPC project right from the concept to commissioning, inline with basic economics of the project, capacity requirements, marine environment, offloading frequency while minimising CAPEX and OPEX.  
  • Understand the various FLNG process schemes which is the heart of topside layout and be able to select the most appropriate scheme based on the production requirements. Acquire a practical working knowledge and skills in topsides process equipment layout and piping design principles along with the best practices in industry.
  • Understand the basic and detailed specifications of various critical main equipment used on the FLNGs, with various options and pros/cons of each option.
  • Determine the impact of layout and pipe routings options on installed costs, operability, maintainability and safety of the topsides 
  • Gain insights of how you can achieve business-focused facilities while complying with regulatory requirements and high plant availability. 
  • Optimise the equipment layout for each modules and piping in limited hull space with great system performance 
  • Be ware of and be able to take appropriate mitigation action resulting from various risks encountered in FLNGs due to cryogenic temperature, larger weight, congested layout to minimise the possibility of catastrophic incidents that may result from the poor layout and design so that you will avoid such incidents.

Who should attend?

This workshop is specifically designed for personnel who want to improve their knowledge and skills involved in FLNG Topsides process modules equipment layout design. Additionally, this workshop is particularly useful for those companies who are in ship-building business and want to diversify into the FLNG business.

This workshop is for you if you:

a)      Want to improve your skills in FLNGs, with firm technical background and become capable to accept challenges in the forthcoming topside projects

b)      Are an investor/senior executive in the FPSO industry and you wish to diversify into the FLNG EPC business

c)      Are an EPC company and you are being contacted by a shipyard for producing the design package for FLNG

d)      Are an individual, who wishes to diversify his career, into this fast growing area in demand.

e)      FLNG tecnology/process automation provider, looking to improve on equipment layout design and             selection

More Savings!

If you work for a company incorporated in Singapore, save 60% of your course registration fees through the PIC scheme! Click here to find out how


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If you are a registered business in Singapore, you can enjoy huge huge tax savings in the form of cash payouts and/or tax deductions when you invest in training of employees. Your attendance at any Equip Global conference or training course is eligible for PIC credits, either as a 40% cash refund or 400% tax deduction. We will provide you with full supporting documentation after the event and assist you in getting the claim completed.

Continuous training and upgrading of your employees is key to the success of your organization. What’s more, boost your tax savings and claim 40% of your registration fee by attending an Equip Global conference or training course today. To do so, follow this simple 5 minute process:

  1. Select, register and pay for your conference/training course of your choice
  2. Complete the PIC form which you can download here: http://www.iras.gov.sg/irasHome/uploadedFiles/Quick_Links/Tax_forms/Business_and_employers/Cash%20Payout%20Application%20Form_B2011_final.xls
  3. Attend the event, learn and network with industry peers
  4. File your receipt (which we will email you), record of attendance (which we will provide you at the event) and the completed PIC form with your accounts department which they will submit to IRAS to process the claim. If you do not have an accounts department or need help with the PIC claim, our staff will be very happy to assist.

Take advantage of the PIC scheme to upgrade your skills, gain the latest information in your field of work, and get access to the knowledge that can help drive your organizations’ performance and productivity.

For more information visit http://www.iras.gov.sg/irashome/picredit.aspx. Terms and conditions apply.

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FLNG Topside Equipment Layout & Selection 2016
14 March 2016 - 17 March 2016
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